Safe and Effective Male Abdomen Liposuction

Many people who struggle to lose weight, especially in “problematic areas” that don’t respond diet and exercise, consider liposuction to get rid of this stubborn fat. One of the common areas where fat tends to accumulate fast is the abdomen.

At Park Avenue Smart Lipo, expert plastic surgeons use Cynosure’s FDA-approved Smartlipo Triplex workstation to perform male abdomen liposuction.

Male abdomen liposuction in Manhattan is an ideal option for those with moderate but stubborn fat deposits in the abdominal area that have accumulated due to factors like  heredity, aging, pregnancy, weight gain or hormonal changes. Smartlipo liquefies the fat deposits, allowing them to be easily suctioned off.

Images speak louder than words and this applies to before-and-after photos of plastic surgery candidates. Take a look at the abdomen liposuction before and after photos of one of our patients to understand the extent of changes you can expect. Remember that results may vary from patient to patient.

SmartLipo Abdomen - Patient 3

To schedule your consultation with one of our plastic surgeons in NYC, call 1-888-869-2762.

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