by Dr. Christopher T. Chia | Published on Aug 18, 2023 | High Definition Laser Liposuction
No matter your dedication at the gym or meticulous macro tracking, achieving the sculpted physique of a competitive bodybuilder or celebrity can remain a challenge. Hi definition laser liposuction in Manhattan is an innovative cosmetic surgical procedure that can help...
by Dr. Christopher T. Chia | Published on Aug 14, 2023 | SmartLipo Triplex
More and more men today are looking for new and effective ways to improve their physical appearance and project a well-sculpted body. The modern man’s desire for a sculpted and defined physique has become more prominent as he adopts a holistic approach to...
by Dr. Christopher T. Chia | Published on Aug 9, 2023 | Laser Liposuction
An increasing number of men and women are getting plastic to enhance their appearance, reverse the ravages of aging, and feel better about themselves. High definition laser liposuction in Manhattan is one of the most popular options for men. It has emerged as a...
by Dr. Christopher T. Chia | Published on Aug 4, 2023 | Flanks/Love Handles Liposuction
Many men seeking to achieve a sculpted, attractive body find that they cannot achieve their goal despite a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a well-balanced diet. Stubborn pockets of fat, especially in the waist area, appear impervious to all forms...
by Dr. Christopher T. Chia | Published on Aug 1, 2023 | Media
We are thrilled to share an exciting Forbes postthat features the transformative impact of InMode’s BodyTite treatment on skin laxity and stubborn fat. The post highlights the personal experience of Meggen Harris, who underwent this revolutionary procedure and...