Calf And Ankle Liposuction In New York City – For Attractive Lower Legs

by | Last updated on Aug 16, 2024 | Published on Jun 15, 2022 | Calf Liposuction

Obesity, hereditary predisposition, water retention and edema during pregnancy can all cause cankles – the term used to describe thick heavy ankles and calves. Cankles often persist even in people who manage to reach their ideal weight through diet and exercise. Fat around the ankles affects overall aesthetics, especially when you wear clothes that expose your lower legs. The answer to this cosmetic concern lies in ankle liposuction. Calf liposuction in NYC is an ideal option to get rid of that stubborn fat and achieve well-defined lower legs. Also referred to as cankle liposuction, the procedure makes the lower legs look leaner and more toned.

Why Do People Decide to Undergo Calf Liposuction?

Calf liposuction in NYC is a great procedure to enhance the appearance of your legs. An enormous improvement in emotional wellbeing is seen in patients who have had calf and ankle liposuction. Due to chubby ankles, many women forgo wearing specific clothing designs including shorts, swimsuits, or above-knee skirts. Ankle and calf liposuction can contour the lower leg to generate natural-looking results. You benefit from well-sculpted slim legs and a feeling of style when wearing a variety of attire.

Lipedema is another important factor that plays an important part in women’s calf liposuction decisions. Calf liposuction is an excellent treatment for lipedema, which most frequently affects women and can cause substantial swelling of the legs, particularly the ankles and calves.

How Is Calf Liposuction Done?

Liposuction is done using Smartlipo Triplex. Excess fat from the calf area can be significantly reduced and the area reshaped with Smartlipo Triplex, which has superior body contouring properties. The most effective results are achieved with this cutting-edge body contouring workstation that uses triple laser wavelength technology (1440, 1064, and 1320nm). In addition, the device’s SmartSenseTM and ThermaGuideTM delivery systems continuously check the temperature of the skin and supply safe energy levels to guarantee patient safety.

Once the patient is admitted, the plastic surgeon gives local anesthesia and then tiny incisions are made at the treatment location to deliver laser energy, which works to liquefy extra fat deposits so that it can be suctioned off with ease. The Smartlipo laser liposuction method is the best choice for contouring the calves since it eliminates extra fat without damaging important tissues including arteries, nerves, and lymphatics. Furthermore, the process causes the tissues to coagulate and tightens loose skin. To avoid overtreatment, the smart delivery systems continuously check the temperature of the skin and give safe doses of energy. The fact that laser lipolysis promotes collagen formation, which has excellent skin-tightening benefits, is one of its main advantages.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

If you have thick, poorly defined ankles, bulky calves, or considerable fat deposits in this part, you may be a good candidate for this laser liposuction. You must be in good health, close to your optimal body weight, and have skin that is supple, elastic and free of sun damage or sagging.

Depending on each patient’s individual needs, the procedure’s results will differ from patient to patient. The surgeon might advise avoiding any heavy activity for a few days and also recommend wearing a compression garment in the treated area throughout the recovery stage. Using the painkillers given to you can help manage any pain and discomfort. Follow a healthy lifestyle to avoid weight gain and for results to last longer.

Calf Liposuction

Don’t wait! Embrace a new you with slim and toned legs.

Book your appointment!

Choosing the right plastic surgeon is critical to the success of the treatment. The calves are especially difficult to treat due to the presence of many nerves and veins. Liposuction of the lower leg area requires an in-depth understanding of the anatomy of the specific areas and the differences in fat layers. As a result, the safety and success of ankle liposuction in NYC is greatly surgeon dependent. So, do your research and choose your surgeon wisely to enjoy optimal results.

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