Caring For Yourself After Breast Liposuction

by | Published on Aug 22, 2022 | Breast Liposuction

The size and symmetry of the breasts can have a major impact on a woman’s overall appearance. Oversized and saggy breasts are a common concern among women. It can affect their confidence and restrict their clothing choices. Breast liposuction for women in Manhattan, NYC is an ideal option to address this concern. The procedure removes excess fat and results in smaller, natural looking breasts.

Are you ready to achieve a more sculpted and proportionate bustline?

Then call us today at 212-265-2724 and speak to our plastic surgeon.

Plastic surgeons in Manhattan perform the procedure using advanced SmartLipo Triplex technology. The Smartlipo device delivers three different laser wavelengths such as 1064nm, 1440nm and 1320nm for liquifying fat, coagulating tissues and tightening the excess skin. The surgeon will make a small incision at the treatment site to insert the device’s small cannula into it. Then laser energy is delivered directly to target the excess fat and liquefy it for easy removal. This minimally invasive treatment is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anaesthesia.

As with any surgery, you need to take proper care of yourself post-treatment. Let’s take a look at the post-op instructions you need to follow after breast liposuction in Manhattan, NYC.

Post-op Instructions for Breast Liposuction

breast liposuction

Depending upon your work, you may return to work in three to six weeks. Following your surgeon’s instructions is essential for speedy recovery and optimal results. If you notice anything unusual, inform your surgeon about it immediately.

When you consult a plastic surgeon in Manhattan, NYC, you should discuss your aesthetic concerns and goals and educate yourself about the procedure including aftercare. An expert will provide customized treatment and proper guidance to help you till complete recovery.

Reclaim your confidence and refine your silhouette with breast liposuction!

Email us at for more information.

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