For How Long Should One Wear a Chin Strap after Chin Liposuction?

by | Published on Feb 13, 2017 | Chin Liposuction/Double Chin Liposuction

Chin liposuction in an established NYC practice can improve jaw and neck definition and contour to result in a more youthful-looking facial profile. In technologically advanced practices, the procedure to remove excess fat is performed under local anesthesia using the minimally-invasive Smartlipo Triplex device. With reduced downtime and shorter recovery than conventional lipo, the treatment is an effective option to address conditions such as a sagging or double chin, a drooping jaw line or excess skin below the jaw.

As with most cosmetic surgical procedures, handling the recovery phase well is important to for safe recovery and optimal outcomes. After any liposuction procedure, patients are advised to wear a compression garment to reduce swelling, and after chin lipo, it is a chin strap. One common concern among patients is as to how long they would have to wear the chin strap during the recovery phase.

Chin strap compression is a very important element in the recovery phase. Generally, most surgeons recommend wearing a chin strap day and night for at least one week following the chin liposuction treatment. After day 5, the strap may be removed when showering the face and hair but should be washed and replaced after that.

The strap should fit smoothly to avoid the formation of creases. The purpose of wearing the strap is to compress the skin and prevent fluid collection and swelling and to promote the tightening of the lax skin after fat removal. When worn correctly, the strap addresses these issues effectively. It also helps the skin adhere to the deeper structures. For the first week after the surgery, patients are also advised to sleep flat on their back with their chin extended.

After a week, chin strap use is usually advised at night for another 2 to 3 weeks. In some cases, this recommendation may change based on how well the patient responds to compression. Rarely, a facelift may be recommended if skin sag refuses to resolve.

Reliable surgeons will discuss all these issues with patients and recommend an appropriate double chin liposuction treatment and recovery plan.

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