How Smartlipo and VASERlipo Differ

by | Published on Jan 25, 2016 | Vaser Liposuction

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure that removes excess fat deposits from different areas, helping men and women achieve an attractive, well-shaped body. Established plastic surgery practices use advanced lipo techniques that blend safety with efficiency and provide optimal body contouring outcomes. Smartlipo and VASERlipo are two popular minimally-invasive liposuction tools, but they differ in many ways. Each comes with specific advantages and disadvantages. If you are considering liposuction treatment, knowing about these differences can help you make an informed decision

Smartlipo: This is a laser-assisted technique which was first cleared by the Food and Drug Administration in 2006. The small laser-enabled cannula is inserted into the skin through a tiny incision and the energy delivered melts the fat, allowing it to be easily suctioned off. The latest workstation, Smartlipo Triplex, combines the power of three laser wavelengths (1064nm, 1320nm and 1440nm) to disrupt the fat cells, coagulate the blood vessels, stimulate collagen production, and tighten the skin.

VASERlipo: This ultrasound-assisted procedure was first FDA-cleared in 2001. Ultrasonic energy is used to separate fat cells and soften the fat layer. A plastic port is placed in the skin through which the ultrasound wand is introduced. The process selectively breaks up small and large areas of fat while keeping the surrounding tissues intact.

Liposuction – Laser vs. Ultrasound

The advantages of Smartlipo include small skin incisions and skin tightening. However, it may not be effective on dense tissue. VASERlipo can address dense tissue in areas such as the back and male chest, but this ultrasound body contouring method requires larger skin incisions than SmartLipo. Both these modalities would require an extra step to deal with their shortcomings – SmartLipo to treat dense tissue and Vaser to make larger incisions.

Reliable liposuction surgeons work with their patients to determine which would be the appropriate technique to use. This is done by evaluating individual goals, expectations and anatomical considerations. They will explain the benefits and risks of each technique so that patients fully understand the nature of the procedure, and will then guide them in taking an informed decision.

If you are planning to have liposuction in NYC, make sure you choose an established AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice with surgeons who are experts in using these minimally-invasive techniques.

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