Inner Thigh Liposuction – Why Smartlipo Triplex is a Good Option

by | Published on Jun 6, 2016 | Thigh Liposuction

When the beach beckons in summer, lean, shapely and attractive thighs are an asset. It’s no wonder that an increasing number of women are approaching established plastic surgery practices in NYC for inner thigh liposuction. The procedure also helps women resolve the discomfort caused by friction of the thighs.

In established NYC plastic surgery facilities, this laser liposuction procedure is performed using the FDA-approved Smartlipo Triplex workstation. Laser energy is delivered to target excess fat via a minimally-invasive cannula. The treatment melts the fat so that it can be easily removed and simultaneously tightens the skin. A skilled surgeon can use its capabilities to improve the shape of the thighs. This laser workstation combines the power of three laser wavelengths for effective results with minimal trauma to the surrounding area.

The treatment involves only small incisions and is typically performed using local anesthesia. When you are in the right hands, you can expect attractive results with minimal scarring and smooth skin. The benefits of thigh liposuction with Smartlipo Triplex are:

  • Short treatment time and downtime
  • Use of local anesthesia
  • Least surgical trauma
  • Controlled and reliable energy delivery
  • Better contouring with no irregularities
  • High-definition shaping capability
  • Lesser pain and discomfort
  • No concerns of over-treatment
  • Safe, smooth and quick recovery

To know if you are the right candidate for this plastic surgery procedure, schedule a consultation with a skilled liposuction surgeon in NYC. The first step will be a thorough evaluation to determine your candidature. Once cleared for the treatment, a reliable surgeon will provide you with customized treatment and end-to-end care till complete recovery.

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