International Study Highlights Benefits of Lower Body Liposculpture

by | Published on Jan 27, 2016 | News

Liposuction is a widely popular cosmetic surgical procedure among men and women worldwide. Minimally invasive techniques such as laser liposuction, provide optimal results in minimal downtime and recovery is much quicker than with conventional methods. Performed under local anesthesia, the treatment removes stubborn fat deposits in both extensive and delicate areas and reshapes the body safely and effectively. In fact, Cosmetic Surgery Times (CTS) reported on an international study that highlighted the benefits of liposculpturing of the lower-body. A team of plastic surgeons from opposite sides of the world reviewed the charts of thousands of patients and reported that they got excellent results and low complication rates with liposculpture of the hips, flanks and thighs.

The team comprised two leading plastic surgeons in China and Italy and their colleagues. They reviewed the charts of 4,000 patients who had undergone lower-body liposuction sculpting. They pointed out that liposuction using modern technologies not only removes underlying fat, but also promotes and enables skin retraction after fat removal. This includes careful thinning of the skin, which in turn, would allow it to better retract and adjust to the new shape that results after the fat is removed.

The main findings of the study are as follows:

  • Overall, there were limited complications.
  • Fifty patients experienced post-surgical seroma (fluid build-up under the surface of the skin) that was resolved via syringe aspiration.
  • One patient developed a major mycobacterial infection and this was successfully treated with antibiotics.
  • Minor asymmetries in 20 patients were corrected six months later under local anesthesia.
  • Minor skin irregularities in eight patients improved after lipofilling.
  • There were no cases of skin necrosis (complication that results in the death of the skin tissue) and no deaths occurred.

The lead author told CTS: “The main implication of our finding is that liposculpture should not any longer be considered a method of simple fat aspiration but a very sophisticated method that allows the surgeon to modify the shape of the body and re-contour the profile.”

He stressed that “the skin should no longer be considered a passive element during superficial liposuction but instead as an active, structural and dynamic constituent”.

The other surgeon considered the procedure’s durability as their most important finding. He noted that the long-term results in terms of body contouring and skin retraction were maintained in patients who had pregnancies and experienced weight loss or increase after the surgery.

These observations are important as most patients who experience significant weight loss or who undergo conventional liposuction procedures have a considerable amount of loose skin left behind, which mars the final outcome.

NYC is an ideal place to have minimally-invasive liposuction. Skilled NYC liposuction surgeons in established plastic surgery practices are experts in handling the latest technologies and would be able to provide you with personalized treatment and optimal results.

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