Is Abdominal Etching the Secret to Achieving Sculpted Abs?

by | Published on Oct 18, 2023 | Abdominal Liposuction/Stomach Liposuction

Though diet and exercise are the best way to get rid of unwanted fat and achieve a trim, well-defined abdomen, many individuals struggle to achieve the desired results. Abdominal etching in Manhattan provides the solution. This minimally invasive liposuction procedure is performed using the laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex workstation.

How Abdominal Etching is Performed?

Abdominal etching is considered an excellent option for people who work out but can’t seem to achieve that highly sought-after “six-pack” appearance. High definition laser liposuction removes fat carefully from between the muscle groups, highlighting the underlying muscles. It can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or in conjunction with other body contouring procedures.

With its three potent wavelengths of 1440, 1064, and 1320 nm, the Smartlipo Triplex workstation assists the surgeon in sculpting the abdomen. Abdominal etching involves much more than just tightening the skin and removing excess fat with laser lipolysis. The surgeon will first mark the abdominal area to pinpoint the precise locations where extra fat needs to be eliminated and define the six pack. A tiny incision will be made to allow the laser liposuction workstation’s tiny cannula to be introduced beneath the skin. The fat in the designated places will be liquefied using the laser energy, making it easier to suction out. After the belly fat is removed, the area is sculpted to better highlight the definition of the muscles.

Are the Results of Ab Etching Permanent?

Generally speaking, unless the patient significantly gains weight, abdominal etching outcomes are long-lasting. Also, as you age naturally, your abs may eventually lose some of their definition and visibility that they had immediately following the treatment. Since liposuction removes fat cells from the body, the outcomes are permanent because after the procedure, new fat cells cannot grow in the same location. The fat that was removed from your body has gone forever. It must be emphasized, nonetheless, that this does not exclude the reappearance of new fatty tissue. It is crucial that you continue to keep your weight at the same level as it was prior to your abdomen etching treatment. This will ensure long-lasting results. Focus on adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise is to preserve your ab etching outcome.

Get a sculpted midsection with abdominal etching.

Call 212-265-2724 today!

Consult a reliable plastic surgeon if you are considering laser liposuction treatment. An expert will provide tailored treatment to achieve a sleek, sculpted physique. They will be ready to answer your questions and show you before and after images of patients who have had abdominal etching in Manhattan. You can get an understanding of the surgeon’s expertise and the changes the procedure can bring about by viewing these photos.

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