Laser Liposuction – What Results Can I Expect?

by | Published on Apr 5, 2017 | Laser Liposuction

If you are considering body contouring in Manhattan, NYC, it’s very important to know what a treatment can and can’t do. Though the popularity of cosmetic treatments like laser liposuction is growing, there are many misconceptions or unrealistic expectations about the results it can offer.

Laser liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure for those who want a shapely body, but cannot get rid of excess fat despite rigorous dieting and exercise. It is not substitute for weight loss. If you are considering the treatment, find a skilled plastic surgeon who is experienced in performing the procedure using the latest techniques.

Laser-assisted liposuction uses high-intensity laser energy to liquefy fat which allows them to be easily removed. As the cannula with the laser fiber is a very small one, it needs only a small incision to insert. This makes the procedure a minimally invasive one. After emulsification, the fat deposits are gently removed via the cannula.

Results vary from person to person. You might need to wait a few days before returning to work, because though the treatment involves a small incision, some pain, swelling and bruising can be expected after the procedure. To help control pain and reduce risks of infection, you should take the medication that your surgeon prescribes.

Though liposuction offers long-lasting results, weight gain will diminish the look of your new curves. Excessive weight gain after the procedure may lead the remaining fat cells to grow and eventually multiply. This may cause fat to return to a previously treated area, but in a less amount than untreated areas. So it is important to stay healthy and eat healthy. As everyone is unique, it’s important to listen to your body and follow your plastic surgeon’s exercise recommendations.

Follow-up after the procedure is also very important. Keep the follow-up scheduled by the physician’s office. This will ensure that your liposuction results are evaluated and that your recovery is progressing smoothly. While you see your body contour immediately, the results will continue to improve and optimal results may be seen only several months after your liposuction surgery. If you would like more liposuction done on any additional area or a touch-up, it is recommended that you wait at least six months after your first procedure.

If you are looking for body contouring in Manhattan, NYC, choose an established AAAASF (American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities) accredited centre with skilled plastic surgeons who are experts laser lipolysis.  At the right facility, you can expect a customized treatment plan, safe procedures, and optimal results

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