Liposuction Retains Rank as Second Most Popular Procedure in 2016 and 2017

by | Published on Mar 21, 2018 | Liposuction Surgery

With the availability of advanced minimally-invasive and noninvasive techniques, the popularity of plastic surgery in the United States continues to soar. Liposuction in New York City, for instance, performed using FDA-approved Smartlipo technology is an attractive option for both men and men. In fact, recent reports indicate that liposuction is among the most widely demanded cosmetic surgical procedures. According to annual statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), liposuction has retained its rank as the second among the 5 most popular procedures in both 2016 and 2017.

ASPS reported that 235,237 liposuction treatments were performed in 2016, up 6% from 2015. In its recently released annual plastic surgery report, ASPS reports that 246,354 procedures were performed in 2017, up 5% from the previous year. These numbers confirm that this body contouring procedure is widely accepted as an effective option to get rid of stubborn fat and achieve a well-shaped physique.

In a society press release, ASPS notes that since 2000, there has been a near tripling in what’s known as “minimally-invasive” cosmetic procedures and that there were 15.7 million such procedures last year (2017). With unwanted fat being a problem for many Americans, ASPS says that patients appreciate having options to address it. And Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction is one of the most popular fat removal options available today.

This minimally-invasive procedure utilizes a small cannula featuring three unique laser wavelengths (1064nm, 1320nm, 1440nm) to remove unwanted fat and firm sagging skin. This procedure allows patients to achieve their goals more quickly than traditional liposuction and with considerably less surgical trauma. As it is performed under local anesthesia, downtime and recovery are short, and patients can get back to normal activity soon. However, this not a weight loss technique as there is limit to the amount of fat that can be removed via liposuction surgery.

While laser liposuction in New York City is an ideal body sculpting option for healthy men and women, it is important to choose an experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Find a leading AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility with surgeons who are specialized in the Smartlipo technique. In a reliable facility, you can expected a customized treatment plan and personalized care from the initial consultation through to complete recovery.

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