Liposuction Was the Second Most Popular Female Cosmetic Surgery Procedure Worldwide Last Year

by | Published on Nov 2, 2016 | Liposuction Surgery

As we all know, liposuction has remained as one of the most popular body contouring solutions worldwide ever since this procedure was introduced. It has proved to be a great choice when natural diet and exercise programs fail to give you the dream body profile.

The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) recently conducted a survey on the cosmetic surgery trends worldwide last year. The report shows that liposuction was the second most popular female cosmetic surgery procedure in 2015 next to breast augmentation. Marking about 84.7% of the total lipo procedures last year, females underwent a total of 1,181,074 liposuction procedures. Interestingly, liposuction was the second most popular procedure among male cosmetic surgery procedures too.

When it comes to female liposuction, there are a range of procedures provided at established plastic surgery facilities in important locations such as NYC. Advanced cosmetic procedures for women help them achieve their dream body shape and this capability makes lipo their favorite procedure. The availability of FDA-approved devices such as Smartlipo Triplex that combines safety with efficiency might have also played a great role in increasing the procedure popularity. Almost all body areas can be treated with liposuction – the abdomen, breasts, buttocks, love handles, hips, knees, thighs, arms, face, neck, and chin. Specialized procedures such as bridal liposuction help women get rid of those extra inches from top to toe, and look great in their wedding gown on their special day.

Laser liposuction can be provided under local anesthesia and it offers many benefits such as short procedure duration, contouring of delicate and extensive areas, least surgical trauma and effective skin tightening.

According to the ISAPS report, a total of 1,394,588 liposuction procedures were performed globally last year. USA was the country where the largest number of liposuction procedures were performed (240,565).

In addition to the availability of AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facilities that are devoted to utmost privacy and safety of their patients, there are skilled and experienced surgeons, specialized in the procedures offering individualized solutions. Well-known plastic surgery practices provide effective follow-up and recommendations to maintain the good results obtained for a long period.

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