Everyone wants a trim, attractive physique, but unwanted fat pockets in various areas make it impossible to achieve this goal. Most people find that even strenuous diets and exercise don’t work to get rid of this fat. Liposuction in New York City is the answer. The...

Insights into Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics
Global Liposuction Equipment Market Report 2020-2025
An aesthetically pleasing body contour is something that many men and women want, and to achieve that they try strenuous diet and exercises. Even then, extra fat may remain in specific areas of the body, unresponsive to these weight loss measures. Targeted fat removal...
Tips for a Smooth Recovery from a Plastic Surgery Procedure
There are several aspects to a fast recovery after plastic surgery, and these include before those surgery, during surgery and after the procedure. For instance, if you are considering body liposuction in Manhattan, proper recovery is crucial to achieve better optimal...
What is the Best Sleeping Position after Chin Liposuction?
If you are looking to get rid of a double chin, chin liposuction in Manhattan, NYC is one of the best solutions available today. Layers of fat build up under the chin due to factors such weight gain, genetics or aging. Laser-assisted liposuction is a safe and...
Neck Laser Liposuction: Get Amazing Results with Little Downtime
Fat buildup in the chin and neck area can be the result of the normal aging process, weight fluctuations, or genetics. Diet and exercise often fail to address this unwanted fat, and you cannot change your genes or reverse aging. Neck liposuction in NYC provides the...
![Top 5 Spots that Benefit Most from Liposuction [Infographic]](https://www.parkavenuesmartlipo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/5-spots-that-benefit-most-from-liposuction-optimized.jpg)
Top 5 Spots that Benefit Most from Liposuction [Infographic]
Liposuction is the gold standard for removing unwanted stubborn fat pockets that persist despite a healthy diet and regular exercise. The procedure ranked second among the top five cosmetic surgical procedures in 2018, according to the American Society of Plastic...
Flank Liposuction – The Ideal Option to Get Rid of Love Handles
Love handles are those unwanted bulges of fat that build up in the area extending down the waist to sides of the hips. Caused due to weight gain, hormonal changes, aging, genetics and pregnancy, this stubborn fat usually fails to respond to even rigorous diets and...
Frequently Asked Questions about Liposuction
Many people dream of achieving a well-shaped body, but stubborn pockets of fat in certain areas can make it impossible to achieve that goal. While regular exercise and a healthy diet are the best ways to shed excess fat, these methods don't always work for everyone....
Managing Opioid Use after Plastic Surgery
The number of men and women opting to have plastic surgery has increased over the years. Minimally invasive procedures such as laser liposuction in Manhattan NYC involve only minimal pain and discomfort. But pain is inevitable after invasive liposuction surgery due to...
How Long Should You Wait to Have Plastic Surgery after Pregnancy?
Pregnancy and child birth are beautiful phases in a woman’s life, but they can stress the body. Battling rapid weight gain and saggy skin are major challenges after child birth, and many women are preoccupied with getting their pre-baby bodies back. Liposuction in New...