Long, slim and shapely thighs make a woman look younger, more athletic and attractive. Factors such as heredity, aging, pregnancy, weight gain or hormonal changes, and stress can cause excess fat to accumulate in the thighs. This unwanted fat is difficult to resolve...

Insights into Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics

Who is a Good Candidate for Breast Reduction Liposuction?
Women with overly large breasts face both aesthetic and functional issues. In addition to causing social discomfort, breasts that are out of proportion to the body can cause pain in the upper back, shoulders, neck and lower back. Liposuction breast reduction or...
Cosmetic Surgery Procedures That Can Be Combined With Neck Liposuction
Aging or weight gain can cause fat to accumulate in the neck and jaw area and result in a double chin. Submental fat is a common cosmetic concern that both men and women face. Even strenuous diets and exercise cannot eliminate this fat effectively. Fortunately,...
Who is a Good Candidate For Hip Liposuction?
Fat tends to accumulate easily around the hips due to factors such as weight gain, hormonal changes, lack of exercise and aging, and has a negative impact on the overall body contour. Women in particular tend to experience fat build-up in the upper body over the hips...
Can you Lose Weight through Liposuction?
Liposuction is not a solution for weight loss or obesity, but a plastic surgery procedure that removes stubborn deposits of fat from various areas of the body. If you are trying to achieve a trimmer body but are struggling with excess fat that is resistant to even...
Tips to Maintain Your Liposuction Results during the Thanksgiving Holiday
Many men and women have liposuction in New York City to get into shape before the holiday season which begins in the last quarter of the year. However, any weight gain during the holiday season can affect the outcomes. Starting from the Thanksgiving holiday, eating...
Liposuction Device Market Analysis and Forecast 2018-2026
According to a recent market report, the global liposuction devices market is expected to register a CAGR of 9.5 percent during the period 2018-2026. Plastic surgeons perform body liposuction in New York City using a wide variety of devices, with laser-assisted...
What does a “Retouch” After Liposuction mean?
One of the most popular plastic surgery procedures, liposuction ranked second in the list of the 5 most popular procedures in both 2016 and 2017, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Liposuction in New York City is the gold standard for...
What to Expect After Neck Liposuction
Submental fat and loose sagging skin, referred to as a ‘double chin’, is a common aesthetic concern for both men and women. Genetics, age, and weight gain are the main factors that cause the chin and jawline to become full and puffy. Neck fat can be really...

Can a Non-invasive Liposuction Modality Work for Abdominal Contouring?
The abdomen is one of the areas where fat tends to build up easily and is difficult to rid of. Conventional weight loss measures don’t provide the desired results when it comes to abdominal fat. Liposuction surgery is the gold standard to address this concern. The...