Fat accumulation in various body areas can be addressed through diet or exercise, and if these fail to work, by getting liposuction. But is facial fat treatable with liposuction? The answer is yes. Though liposuction mainly targets unwanted fat in areas such as the...

Insights into Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics
Gynecomastia Surgery – A Safe Solution for Overdeveloped Male Breasts
The presence of excess fatty and glandular tissue in the male chest area can cause severe breast enlargement - the condition known as gynecomastia. The condition, which can affect adolescent boys, teens, and adult men of any age, occurs due to various reasons like...
Laser Assisted Liposuction Devices Market Analysis 2019-2025
This is an update to the blog “Global Laser-Assisted Liposuction (LAL) Equipment Market 2019-2024” Laser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that removes stubborn fat from large and small areas, and tightens the skin to result in a slimmer, attractive body....
Neck Liposuction – Important Post-Operative Instructions
The appearance of the neck plays a crucial role in deciding a person’s overall appearance. Excess fat and visible bands in the neck area caused by genetics, aging and weight gain can make you look older than you really are. Exercise and diet can help to some extent,...
What Are the Benefits of Abdominal Laser Liposuction?
Excess fat can accumulate in the abdominal area due to factors such as heredity, aging, pregnancy, weight gain or hormonal changes. This is a common aesthetic concern among both men and women. A popular cosmetic surgical procedure, abdominal liposuction in NYC helps...
Role of Liposuction in Fat Transfer to Buttock Procedure
Women seeking natural looking buttock augmentation outcomes can consider fat transfer to buttocks in Manhattan, popularly known as Brazilian Butt Lift surgery (BBL). The main advantage of this technique is that is uses the patient’s own body fat (autologous fat)....
Tips to Prepare for Laser Liposuction on Arms
Aging, genetics, weight gain, gravity and lack of exercise are the factors that cause accumulation of fat in the upper arms. Most people find that no matter how much they exercise or diet, this unwanted fat refuses to go away. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical...
Global Gynecomastia Treatment Market Analysis 2019 – 2028
Gynecomastia is the condition of abnormal enlargement or swelling of breast tissue that occurs in males mainly due to the imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. It can occur in boys and men of all ages, but is most common in infancy and adolescence and in middle-aged...
Hip Laser Liposuction: Tips to Speed Recovery
The hips are a major problem area for most women. Fat tends to accumulate easily around the hips due to factors such as weight gain, hormonal changes, lack of exercise and aging, and has a negative impact on the overall body contour. Even rigorous exercise and diets...
What are the Options Available to treat Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia or severe breast enlargement in men is a condition that occurs due to the presence of excess fatty and glandular tissue in the chest area. Though it may not pose any health issues, the condition can affect a man's confidence and self-esteem. Fortunately,...