Excess belly fat is a common aesthetic concern among women. When diet and exercise fail to resolve it, many women turn to cosmetic surgery for the solution. Abdominal liposuction removes excess fat and skin around the abdomen area to result a slimmer, well-shaped...

Insights into Plastic Surgery and Aesthetics
Arm Laser Liposuction: Frequently Asked Questions
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), liposuction ranked second among the top five cosmetic surgical procedures in 2018. Up to 258,558 procedures were performed, 5 percent up from 2017. This cosmetic surgical procedure can address many problem...

Female Liposuction – For a More Youthful, Attractive Appearance
Excess fat in areas such as the abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks, and face is a common aesthetic concern among women. Laser liposuction in NYC is an excellent way to remove this unwanted fat and remodel and redefine the contours of body areas that do not respond to...
Global Liposuction Devices Market to See Rapid Growth during 2019-2025
A widely accepted procedure, liposuction in NYC owes much of its popularity to the introduction of advanced technologies. There are a wide range of non-invasive and minimally-invasive devices that allow plastic surgeons to provide body contouring solutions with...
ASPS: Americans spent more than $16.5 Billion on Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in 2018
Recent reports from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveal the rising popularity of cosmetic surgery in the US. According to a recent ASPS report, Americans spent a record-breaking amount of more than 16.5 billion dollars on cosmetic plastic surgery...
What Are the Different Types of Body Fat and Can Liposuction Remove These?
Body fat is a major concern for many men and women, especially when it poses aesthetic as well as health issues. Even though the word "fat" is used to describe all body fat, there are certain specific categories of fat. Some types of fat are beneficial and necessary...

Waist Liposuction for an Hourglass Figure
Almost every woman fantasizes about getting an hourglass figure with curves in all the right places. But factors such as genetics, age and lifestyle habits, visceral or belly fat leads to love handles (deposits of excess fat at the waistline) and build up of fat above...
Female Abdomen Liposuction to Get Rid of a Belly Pooch
The abdomen is a common area for the accumulation of excess fat and at the same time, one of the most challenges areas to reshape with diet and exercise. Factors that contribute to a "belly pooch" or a protruding tummy include aging, genetics, hormonal imbalances,...
Neck Liposuction Considerations and Goals
The neck is one of the areas where signs of aging first show up, but it often gets overlooked. Aging, weight gain, and genetics can lead to excess fat accumulating under the chin or a double chin, which can be really frustrating as you strive to maintain a fresh and...
Possible Reasons for the Increasing Prevalence of Gynecomastia
Today, more and more men are opting to have plastic surgery to achieve or maintain a fit, attractive appearance. Gynecomastia treatment is a surgical procedure that corrects enlarged male breasts, a condition that is typically caused by an imbalance of hormones -...