Stomach Liposuction – Things to Know

by | Published on Dec 10, 2018 | Abdominal Liposuction/Stomach Liposuction

The stomach is one of the areas where fat builds up easily. While some people manage to achieve their aesthetic goals through diet and exercise, these strategies don’t work for most men and women. Stomach liposuction in NYC is an ideal way to get rid of this stubborn fat and achieve a flatter, trimmer stomach. It is a great option for those with no or very minimal skin laxity. In leading AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practices, the procedure is performed using the minimally-invasive, FDA approved Smartlipo Triplex workstation.

Experience the benefits of Smartlipo technology for flatter stomach and achieve optimal results.

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Smartlipo-Assisted Stomach Liposuction in NYC

The minimally-invasive Smartlipo Triplex laser-assisted lipolysis device utilizes three different laser wavelengths (1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm) for better fat removal and tissue tightening. The patient experiences less scarring, swelling, bleeding and bruising than in conventional liposuction surgery. Tummy liposuction with Smartlipo is performed using local anesthesia. The procedure removes subcutaneous fat that lies beneath the skin and on top of the abdominal muscle wall and simultaneously tightens the overlying skin.

The success of the Smartlipo laser liposuction depends on certain factors.

  • The plastic surgeon: Choose a plastic surgery practice that has plastic surgeons that are trained and experienced in performing abdominal liposuction using Smartlipo. The surgeon should be able to explain the benefits as well as risks of the surgery to you. Make sure the surgeon can provide satisfactory replies to all your questions before you go ahead with the treatment.
  • The plastic surgery practice: You should ensure that the plastic surgery practice or outpatient surgical center you choose is accredited by a recognized national certifying agency, such as the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF), Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Institute for Medical Quality, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organization, State-licensed or Medicare-certified. Such practices have a safe surgical environment, an added advantage for successful treatment.
  • Realistic expectations: While liposuction is the gold standard for removing stubborn fat, you should not expect to achieve the same result that a celebrity or your friend achieved. It is very important that you have realistic expectations about the outcome because the results of any type of plastic surgery depend on individual considerations. So have a clear idea about what you would like to change or improve and discuss these goals with your surgeon to understand if your goals are realistic and how you can achieve them. Moreover, you should remember that Smartlipo liposuction is a body contouring procedure and not a weight loss method. There is a limit to the amount of fat that can be removed at a time.
  • Overall health: Not everybody is a good candidate for abdomen liposuction. Healthy people who are close to their ideal weight but have trouble spots on tummy area are considered good candidates for the procedure. People who have health issues such as diabetes, mellitus, a heart condition, poor circulation, an infection, past history of bleeding or a coagulation disorder (such as thrombophilia, should first check with their primary care physician before undergoing liposuction. Liposuction is also not recommended for people who are on medication that interferes with blood clotting (blood thinners such as aspirin, warfarin and heparin). If you smoke, quit, as nicotine increases risk of complications.
  • Sagging skin: Lack of skin elasticity, such as in older people, can compromise the results. If the skin is not elastic enough, it will remain saggy after the procedure. Smartlipo removes fat effectively and also can tightens the skin effectively. But if your major issue is loose skin or lax stomach muscles then liposuction alone cannot provide good results. In such situations, your surgeon may recommend a tummy tuck along with liposuction.

Candidacy for Abdominal Liposuction

In order to be a candidate for abdominal liposuction, you should:

  • Be age 18 or older and have localized fat deposits in the abdominal region
  • Be in good overall health and close to your ideal body weight
  • Have healthy skin with good elasticity
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome


Surgeons advise patients to wear a compression garment all the time for three weeks after the treatment. Wearing the compression garment will help reduce swelling and minimize fluid buildup. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is necessary before, during and after tummy liposuction. This will promote smooth recovery and long-lasting results.

Say goodbye to stubborn fat and hello to a flatter, trimmer midsection with abdominal liposuction

Contact us to learn more

The success of the abdomen liposuction depends on the factors such as age, history of weight gain and weight loss, amount and location of the fat, etc. If you are considering abdominal liposuction in NYC, make sure you consult a qualified plastic surgeon in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility. A reliable surgeon will evaluate your goals and considerations and provide individualized treatment to help you achieve optimal results.

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