Thigh Liposuction vs. Thigh Lift – What’s the Difference?

by | Published on Feb 19, 2018 | Thigh Liposuction

Every woman desires lean, sculpted legs. However, even rigorous diet and exercise often does not work when it comes to shaping up the thighs. Genetics and body structure are other factors that make it difficult to achieve the results you are looking for. Plastic surgery treatments can help you achieve slim, toned, well-shaped thighs. There are two surgical procedures to address aesthetic concerns related to this body area: liposuction on thighs and thigh lift. It’s important to know the differences between these two procedures to understand which one is the right option for you:


Thigh Liposuction

Thigh Lift

Concerns addressed

Problems linked to excess fat pockets on thighs or to achieve a thigh gap.

Sagging skin concerns


Procedure removes excess stubborn fat in the thigh area that is resist to diet and exercise. It helps improve the overall appearance and contour of the legs by removing unwanted fat. Thigh contouring can be performed using conventional liposuction or laser liposuction.


Thigh lift surgery or thighplasty is a surgical procedure that mainly targets loose, saggy skin in the thighs. The procedure results in smoother and better-proportioned thighs by addressing skin laxity and excess fat. The thigh lift is a very individualized procedure and the incision length and pattern would vary from patient to patient.

Ideal Candidate

People who are in good health and have unwanted pockets of fat in the thigh area, whether in inner thigh or outer thigh area.

Healthy people who have problems with sagging, loose skin in the thigh area and those who have already undergone liposuction but were unable to address problems such as wrinkling or drooping are good candidates for this procedure.

Patients who want to have a thigh lift, but have excess fat in the thigh area would need to have liposuction treatment first. The lift will be performed two to three months later to remove excess skin and any unwanted subcutaneous tissue and fat.

NYC plastic surgeons use advanced, minimally-invasive liposuction modalities to provide superior results for both of these cosmetic surgical procedures. For instance, thigh liposuction performed using the triple-wavelength laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex system involves just small incisions. The device utilizes laser heat to soften or liquefy the fat, making it easier to remove with the cannula, typically resulting in less bruising for the patient. The laser energy provides the added benefit of tightening the skin. In addition to Smartlipo, NYC surgeons utilize minimally-invasive modalities such as BodyTite and BodyFX, and VASERlipo to perform thigh lift surgery.

The best way to determine whether you should have liposuction on thighs or thigh lift surgery is to consult an experienced NYC plastic surgeon. Regardless of the procedure you have, following a healthy diet and exercise plan is crucial to keep the thighs trim and toned.

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