Trim Your Waistline with Male Love Handles Liposuction

by | Published on Aug 4, 2023 | Flanks/Love Handles Liposuction

Many men seeking to achieve a sculpted, attractive body find that they cannot achieve their goal despite a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a well-balanced diet. Stubborn pockets of fat, especially in the waist area, appear impervious to all forms of expulsion. Love handles, those clumps of extra fat on the sides of the waistline, are a common aesthetic concern among men. Male love handles liposuction in NYC is an excellent option to eliminate this troublesome fat and achieve a well-defined, toned waistline.

Embrace a more sculpted waistline and boost your self-confidence with love handles liposuction!

Contact us today!

How is Male Love Handle Liposuction Performed?

In leading NYC plastic surgery practices, liposuction of love handles is performed using the laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex device. This FDA-approved workstation includes three different laser wavelengths (1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm) that liquefy the fat for easy removal, coagulate the tissue, and tighten the skin. Its sophisticated delivery systems, SmartSense™ and ThermaGuide™ and ThermaView™, allow the surgeon to continually monitor and regulate skin temperature, and maintain safe treatment levels. This minimally invasive procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Benefits of Laser Liposuction to Address Love Handles

  • Minimally invasive treatment: The procedure involves only small incisions and comes with minimal surgical trauma, pain and scarring. Small incisions are made at the treatment site and a tiny cannula is used to deliver laser energy to melt the excess fat, allowing it to be easily suctioned out. Downtime and recovery are short, and most patients return to routine quickly. Due to these benefits, laser liposuction appeals to men who want to contour their body without undergoing invasive surgery.
  • Targeted Fat Removal: Liposuction for male love handles enables accurate and targeted fat reduction. Liposuction can target the love handles particularly, reshaping and sculpting the waistline, in contrast to conventional weight loss treatments that result in overall fat reduction. This targeted technique results in a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing midsection that is in sync with the rest of the body.
  • Enhanced body confidence: A man’s self-confidence can be greatly impacted by stubborn love handles. Male love handle liposuction is a game-changing procedure that enables men to get rid of those persistent fat pockets and feel more confident and at ease in their bodies. A man’s improved body confidence can benefit a variety of aspects of his life, including his personal and professional relationships and pursuits.
  • Long-lasting results: After Smartlipo laser liposuction, the excess fat is gone forever. These fat cells cannot regenerate. To preserve long-lasting outcomes, it is crucial to lead a healthy lifestyle following the treatment. Patients can maintain their sculpted waistlines for years to come with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Right Candidates for Liposuction of Love Handles

Men with stubborn fat deposits around the waist but are close to their ideal weight may be appropriate candidates. The patient should be in good general health and avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for the recommended period of time before and after the procedure.


The length of time it takes to heal after love handles liposuction will vary based on individual considerations. Patients should expect some bruising, swelling, and some loss of sensation. Bruising will progressively disappear over the next few days, and swelling will start to resolve within one to two weeks. While you’re recovering, you shouldn’t engage in strenuous activity, but you can engage in light movements to improve your circulation if you have your surgeon’s approval. Recovery times can differ depending on a number of different factors, such as how much fat is eliminated. But eating healthfully, drinking plenty of water, and using the compression garment as advised can help you recover more quickly.

Schedule your consultation now and take the first step towards a chiseled physique.

Call us at 212-265-2724 to book your appointment.

To trim excess fat that persists despite rigorous diet and exercise, male love handles liposuction in NYC is a safe and effective solution. This transformative procedure provides men with the opportunity to achieve a more sculpted and attractive physique. Having the procedure performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is crucial to achieve the best results.

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