Ways to Reduce Swelling after Getting a Laser Liposuction Procedure in Manhattan

by | Published on Jan 16, 2023 | Laser Liposuction

Swelling is common after liposuction and other plastic surgery procedure. It is caused by inflammation and a build-up of lymphatic fluids. Different types of liposuction cause different levels of swelling. Laser liposuction surgery in Manhattan causes less swelling compared to conventional liposuction surgery. The procedure is done using FDA approved Smartlipo Triplex™. This laser workstation combines three distinct laser wavelengths (1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm).

Swelling usually appears one-to-two days post-surgery and will increase for up to two weeks. Following your plastic surgeon’s post-op instruction, including wearing the compression garment, can help minimize swelling and speed healing.

How to Reduce Swelling Post Laser Liposuction

Ways to Reduce Swelling after Getting a Laser Liposuction Procedure in Manhattan

Here are some effective ways to reduce swelling post laser liposuction in NYC

Wear the compression garment

  • This will reduce swelling and accelerates healing
  • Wear it for 4 to 6 weeks, depending on swelling severity

Consider lymphatic drainage massage

  • Get lymphatic drainage massage from a licensed provider
  • This will help reduce fluid build-up under the skin after liposuction

Resume routine activity slowly

  • Light walking is recommended after 48 hours
  • Get back to regular activities base on your surgeon’s advice
  • Ensure proper nutrition

Eat healthy

  • Avoid salty foods
  • Stick to an anti-inflammatory diet
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Stay hydrated

Strictly follow your surgeon’s instructions to minimize post-treatment side effects, heal faster, and achieve optimal results. Make sure to monitor any swelling and check for infections in the treated areas. Consult your surgeon immediately if swelling or other side effects get worse. As the recovery period is shorter and quicker with minimally-invasive Smartlipo laser liposuction in NYC, most patients return to work and normal routine much faster than with the conventional surgical technique.

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