What Is the Best Time of the Year for Laser Liposuction Surgery in NYC?

by | Published on Jan 4, 2023 | Laser Liposuction

If you are looking to get a beach-ready body by the spring and summer, you must begin working on it well in advance. Winter is the best season to work on getting rid excess fat and reshaping your body. As the saying goes, “Summer bodies are built in winter.” But what if diets and exercise just don’t work to get the results you want? The good news is that there is a solution – laser liposuction in Manhattan. The procedure removes excess fat safely and effectively. Having it done in winter will give you enough time to heal so that you can show off your sculpted figure in summer.

Laser Liposuction with Smartlipo Triplex

Women can achieve their body-shaping goals easily and safely with minimally invasive Smartlipo laser liposuction in NYC. Smartlipo can remove stubborn fat in various areas, such as the arms, breasts, waist, thighs, ankles, and calves. The FDA approved Smartlipo Triplex laser workstation uses laser energy to break down fat and gently suction it out of the body. By combining three distinct laser wavelengths (1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm), it allows the surgeon to target specific fat deposits precisely and melt them, without harming the tissues around. The fat is then easily removed from the body using suction and the laser effectively tightens saggy skin by coagulating blood vessels to reduce bleeding.

The Best Time to Schedule Laser Liposuction

Scheduling laser liposuction at the right time is an important consideration for people who are looking to have the procedure. Recovery and long-term outcomes can all depend on it. The ideal time of year might be at any time! However, winter is considered the ideal time to have laser liposuction to get your body “beach-ready.” Here are some reasons why winter is the right time to schedule your laser liposuction treatment.

  • Mild or no exposure to sunlight: As with any other cosmetic treatment, patients who have had liposuction should avoid spending too much time in the sun while they are healing. You’ll be able to avoid getting too much sun after the surgery if you have it done in the winter. This could speed up your recovery.
  • Quick recovery: The plastic surgeon will use gentle bandages to cover the treated region after the procedure. Additionally, you will be advised wear a compression garment to lessen swelling and support the tissues as they heal. In the hotter summer months, it can be a little uncomfortable to wear these extra, restrictive garments. Wearing extra clothing in winter is easier.
  • Ample time to recover: Another benefit of having liposuction in the winter is that you have plenty of time to recover before the warmer months arrive. By the time spring and summer arrive, incision scars, bruising, and swellings will have vanished, preparing your body for minis, shorts, and bikinis.
  • Good reasons to stay indoors: The ideal justification for staying inside is the chilly weather. You don’t need to justify why you aren’t going out as frequently when you are recovering. It’s totally acceptable to stay home and unwind with a good book, movie, or sleep.
  • Cover up incisions: You can easily conceal incisions during the colder months by wearing scarves, jackets, sweaters, and coats. You don’t have to explain why you’re wearing numerous layers of cozy clothing.

Laser liposuction in Manhattan is an ideal option for men and women who have localized fat deposits on their bodies that are resistant to diet and regular exercise. However, it may take a while until you’re ready to display the results of your laser liposuction treatment, depending on the type of operation or surgeries you had. Getting surgery in winter makes it easier to adhere to your surgeon’s recovery guidelines. When summer arrives, the compression clothing will be long gone, and you’ll be ready to flaunt your new figure without any limitations on activity or clothes.

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