What to Expect After Neck Liposuction

by | Published on Nov 6, 2019 | Neck Liposuction

Surplus fat in the neck area can have a negative impact on your appearance and self-confidence. Even tedious exercise and diet regimens may not work when it comes to getting rid of submental fat. Neck liposuction in NYC uses advanced, minimally invasive techniques such as Smartlipo Triplex to get rid of this excess fat and tighten the skin, resulting in a slimmer, contoured neck.

Don’t wait any longer – invest in yourself and enjoy a rejuvenated look with neck liposuction in NYC.

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Get a Slender Neck with Neck Liposuction in NYC

Genetics, age, and weight gain are the common reasons for the buildup of fat deposits in the chin and neck area, leading to a ‘double chin’. Even people who are at their ideal weight can experience this problem.  Neck laser liposuction removes this excess fat and tightens the skin. The procedure is performed using the Smartlipo Triplex workstation, which is specially designed for treating delicate areas like the chin and neck. A skilled surgeon can utilize the capabilities of this device to eliminate a double chin, jowls and a turkey neck, and contour and tighten the jaw line.

Smartlipo laser liposuction can be performed on an outpatient basis. After marking the treatment site and administering local anesthesia, the minimally-invasive cannula of the Smartlipo device will be used to deliver laser energy to target the fat cells through a tiny incision in the skin.  This laser energy will cause the fat to liquefy, allowing it to be suctioned out easily. The device comes with three separate laser wavelengths (1440, 1064 and 1320 nm) that work to liquefy the fat and tighten skin. By precisely targeting unwanted fat, Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction leaves the surrounding tissues unaffected.

Though the safety and efficacy of minimally-invasive Smartlipo laser liposuction is well-established, you need to know what to expect post-treatment. One common thing you would notice soon after this procedure is bruising and swelling. Each patient is different, but for most, these side effects typically resolve within 2-3 weeks. The bandages in the treatment area are removed the next day. You would be instructed to wear an elastic compression collar around the neck and jaw line area for a period of up to 6 weeks following surgery for optimal results.

What Should You Do After Neck Liposuction

According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, patients can return to work within one week and to full activity after about two weeks. You will also be advised to sleep with the head of the bed elevated for one week after the treatment. You should avoid bending, lifting or straining the neck area until complete recovery. Regular massage during the recovery phase may speed up healing. It is also very important to avoid sun exposure and use sunscreen with SPF 50 or stronger sunscreen if you step out.

As in all surgical procedures, following the surgeon’s pre-operative and post- operative instructions strictly is important. Here are some common pre-operative instructions:

  • Medications that cause bleeding should be avoided at least one week before the treatment.
  • Avoid the use of tobacco and alcohol at least two weeks before and after the treatment to speed up wound healing and avoid complications.
  • Make your home ready for your post-operative recovery. Keep all necessary things handy, especially post-operative care materials and medications.
  • Complete rest is advised on the first day after the surgery.
  • Do not eat or drink after midnight before the day of the procedure.
  • Avoid jewelry and makeup on the day of the surgery and wear comfortable garments.
  • When it comes to food, start with drinking liquids, then gradually have soft food, and resume regular food when your body tolerates it.
  • Chin dressing must be kept dry and in place for one day following neck liposuction.
  • Sleep with the head of the bed elevated or use two to three pillows for a week.
  • Avoid bending and lifting that causes strain to the area for the first few days.
  • Most patients return to work within a week, or even within a few days but see that you wear a compression band for some more weeks so that your neck stays in shape.

Neck Liposuction

It’s important to know about the downtime that would be involved and make your plans accordingly. Follow your surgeon’s instructions to enjoy a smooth recovery after liposuction. A healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and regular exercise are important for long term results.

Do you know the right age to get neck liposuction?

Read our blog post What is the Best Age for Neck Liposuction

Call us at 212-265-2724 to learn more about the procedure, recovery process, and achieve the slender, contoured neck you desire.

If you are considering neck liposuction in NYC, find an experienced plastic surgeon who is specialized in using Smartlipo technology. This is crucial for safe treatment and optimal results. A reliable surgeon will explain what Smartlipo liposuction in NYC can do for you and provide you with a clear understanding of the potential risks of the treatment, as well as what to expect post-op. Choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility for your safety and superior quality care every step of the way.

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