Who Is An Ideal Candidate For Abdominal Etching?

by | Published on Apr 16, 2021 | Laser Liposuction

Are you finding it difficult to achieve that lean, masculine washboard stomach you want even with rigorous diets and exercise? Then consider getting abdominal etching in NYC. Also known as male abdominal liposuction, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia using the Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction device. This minimally invasive procedure is an ideal option for men who are in relatively good shape, but desire a more well-defined abdomen.

This high definition laser liposuction treatment eliminates tummy fat and brings restores the stomach’s natural contour. It accentuates the underlying muscles by removing fat selectively from between the muscle groups, producing the highly coveted “six-pack” appearance. Abdominal etching or male abdominal laser liposuction in NYC can be provided along with other plastic surgery procedures or as a standalone procedure.

During the consultation, the plastic surgeon will examine your abdomen and underlying bone structure to confirm that you are a good candidate for abdominal etching. Such detailed evaluation is also important to determine amount of fat that can be removed.

Generally, an ideal candidate for an abdominal etching procedure is a man who finds it hard to achieve a lean, masculine physique even after strenuous diets and exercise. To be a good candidate for abdominal etching, you should be:

  • Over 18 years of age
  • In good shape, but that have small pockets of stubborn fat in the abdominal area
  • In good health without any serious medical issues
  • A nonsmoker
  • Within 30% of your ideal weight and have healthy muscle and good skin tone

It’s also important that you have realistic expectations about the outcome.

Candidates who have had tummy tuck surgery or liposuction can also consider abdominal etching to achieve a fitter and more chiseled appearance. The procedure is not recommended for patients who excessively overweight and have unrealistic expectations.

Similar to traditional liposuction, abdominal etching uses a suction technique to remove fat deposits from underneath your skin, but there’s one important distinction. In abdominal etching, fat deposits that cover your abdominal muscles are carefully carved off your body, using small incisions usually based around your belly button. When done carefully by experts, this technique can deepen the natural grooves in your body and make your ab muscles appear much more prominent. To narrow the midsection, expert plastic surgeons take fat deposits from the sides overlying your oblique abdominal muscles.

The procedure starts with the surgeon marking the abdominal area to define the six pack and identify the exact areas from where excess fat needs to be removed. Local anesthesia is administered at the marked treatment site and when it is numb, a small incision will be made to insert the small cannula of the Smartlipo workstation. Laser energy will be delivered to liquefy the fat in the marked areas so that it can be easily suctioned out. With three powerful wavelengths, 1440, 1064 and 1320 nm, Smartlipo technology allows the surgeon to provide the desired degree of etching. The abdominal fat is removed and the area is contoured in such as way as to enhance muscle definition.

The procedure is performed using local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, reducing the risk of post-operative complications and minimizing the recovery time compared to conventional liposuction. Patients remain awake throughout the procedure and can usually go home the same day. Following your plastic surgeon’s post-op instructions is crucial for speedy recovery and healing after abdominal etching.

Results may vary based on individual considerations. Final outcomes usually become visible within six months after the procedure or after the body has completely healed. If the patient has negligible body fat and works out regularly, then the results of the procedure will show up quickly. The longevity of the surgical results also depends on maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise.

If you are considering abdominal etching in NYC, schedule a consultation in an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility that offers the services of plastic surgeons who are experts in using Smartlipo technology to perform the procedure. A reliable surgeon will evaluate your concerns, determine your candidature for the procedure and provide customized treatment. They will be ready to answer all your questions and show you before and after pictures of male abdominal liposuction of previous patients. Viewing these images will give you an idea about the surgeon’s skill and the extent of changes that the procedure can bring about.

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