Why is Laser Liposuction an Ideal Option for Bra Bulge and Back Fat?

by | Published on Aug 16, 2017 | Laser Liposuction

Men and women who want to achieve a trim, attractive body are choosing to have laser liposuction in NYC. The procedure can remove excess fat from various areas and tighten the skin. Stubborn back fat is a common problem among both men and women. Love handles in men and bra rolls in women are caused by the wasting away if the back muscles, poor dietary habits, and lack of exercise. Leading plastic surgeons in NYC report that many patients ask them if laser liposuction fix these areas.

Experts say that fat in bra roll or mid-back area is one of the most popular areas for liposuction and that it responds very well to Smartlipo NYC. This minimally invasive procedure uses three laser wave lengths to melt and remove excess fat. Bra roll fat tends to be denser and fibrous, making it more difficult to remove, and that why laser energy can provide better results.

Laser-assisted liposuction can be performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. After the anesthetic has been applied, the doctor will then make small punctures at the treatment site. The small cannula of the Smartlipo device is inserted into the incision to deliver the laser energy and liquefy the fat, allowing it to be gently suctioned out easily. Liposuction of the bra line can address the bulges of back fat and provide a smooth, streamlined shape. Once you have the surgery done, your body metabolism will accelerate to heal itself and you will recover quickly. A healthy lifestyle is important to maintain the results.

One key advantage of laser liposuction over conventional procedures is that it does not require extensive downtime and pain medications. Other benefits include:

  • Superior body contouring results
  • Short treatment session
  • Reduced pain and discomfort
  • Minimal bruising and bleeding
  • Quick recovery

If you are looking to have liposuction in Manhattan, choose a reliable AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility with plastic surgeons who are experts and trained in Smartlipo laser liposuction treatment. Choosing the right practice is important for optimal results and to minimize the risk of complications. In leading facilities, the surgeons are attentive to patient goals and provide personalized, end-to-end care through to complete recovery.

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