Thigh Liposuction for Shapely, Attractive Legs

Women who have long and shapely thighs tend to look younger, more athletic, and attractive. No matter how much you diet and exercise, there may always be stubborn, localized pockets of fat that just won’t go away. These are best addressed via minimally invasive liposuction. Park Avenue Smart Lipo™, a leading plastic surgery facility in Manhattan, performs female thigh liposuction to provide positive cosmetic results.

The right candidates for this procedure are women with firm, elastic skin and pockets of excess fat in the upper thigh area. You should also be physically healthy and realistic in your expectations. To get optimum results, we recommend treatment on both inner thighs and outer thighs.

Smartlipo Triplex for Fat Removal

Park Avenue Smart Lipo™ is a plastic surgery center primarily specialized in Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction. Our surgeons, Dr Spero J Theodorou and Christopher T Chia are experienced in using Cynosure’s FDA approved Smartlipo Triplex, and they perform more than 1000 procedures annually.

This laser-assisted workstation uses three laser wavelengths (1064nm, 1320nm and 1440nm) to provide excellent results for both fat removal and skin tightening. We are also Cynosure’s accredited Smartlipo training center in Manhattan.

Benefits of Thigh Lipo

  • Improve thigh contour and proportion
  • Feel and look more confident
  • Fit into the clothes you like
  • Look younger and more athletic

Smartlipo Triplex – Advantages

There are many exciting features that make Smartlipo Triplex one of the most advanced laser-assisted liposuction devices. NYC patients can expect faster healing, and quick recovery time as compared to traditional method. Procedure results may vary based on your aesthetic goals.

  • Exceptional body contouring results
  • Shorter treatment time
  • Minimal pain and discomfort
  • Less bruising
  • Local anesthesia is sufficient
  • Performed at our AAAASF-accredited surgical facility, as an outpatient procedure

Combining Thigh Lift Surgery with Thigh Liposuction

Our surgeons combine thigh lift surgery with thigh liposuction for individuals seeking extra skin removal and removal of stubborn fat deposits in the thigh area. This dynamic approach removes surplus skin, resulting from weight loss or aging, and targets localized fat pockets, sculpting the thighs for a smoother and more contoured appearance. By combining these procedures, patients can achieve more dramatic and transformative results, enhancing both the aesthetic appeal and overall symmetry of their lower body.

Schedule a Consultation

As members of the teaching faculty for ASAPS, our plastic surgeons train their peers in performing liposuction procedures. Schedule your consultation for our thigh liposuction for women today – call 1888-8-NYCSMARTLIPO or send an e-mail to You can also opt for our virtual consultation option.



Am I a good candidate for thigh liposuction?

Ideal candidates are women who struggle with stubborn fat pockets in their thighs, despite maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure.

What is the recovery like?

You can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area following the procedure. It’s essential to follow post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure a smooth recovery. Most patients can resume light activities within a few days and return to normal activities within a few weeks.

What results can I expect?

Female thigh liposuction provides a more toned and shapely appearance for the thighs, enhancing overall body proportions and boosting confidence. Results are typically long-lasting, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle.

Is thigh liposuction right for me, or should I consider a thigh lift?

Liposuction addresses fat removal, while a thigh lift focuses on excess skin removal and tightening. During your consultation, we will discuss your specific concerns and recommend the most suitable procedure to achieve your desired outcome.

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