Smartlipo Abdomen Liposuction for a Beautifully Contoured Tummy & Waist

The only Cynosure Center of Excellence Training Center in Manhattan NYC, Park Avenue Smart Lipo™ is specialized in providing minimally invasive Smartlipo laser liposuction procedures for both men and women. Abdomen liposuction is ideal to treat abdominal fat in women that is resistant to diet and exercise. Laser-assisted liposuction uses high-intensity laser energy to liquefy fat, which can then be easily removed.

Our surgeons have performed the highest number of Smartlipo laser liposuction procedures in the country. They are also selected to be involved in the R&D of the latest Smartlipo Triplex device by Cynosure. This minimally invasive, laser lipolysis procedure permanently eliminates fat in the treated area, providing the body contour you desire. With us, you can also benefit from a customized treatment plan, safe procedures, and optimal results.

Check out the before and after photos of a patient, who underwent Smartlipo abdomen liposuction procedure at our AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery center.

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