Sculpt Your Midsection Perfectly with Waist Liposuction

The waist and hips are areas that are unique in defining feminine beauty. In spite of cutting down on rich foods and following rigorous workout programs, many people continue to see their waistline increase if not sustain its bulky appearance. When you desire a more contoured figure, then it is time to consider waist laser liposuction in Manhattan, NYC.

Based in Manhattan, New York City, Park Avenue Smart Lipo™ offers waist liposuction procedure to make your waist look narrow and well-sculpted. Specialized primarily in laser lipo procedures, our skilled plastic surgeons – Dr. Spero Theodorou and Dr. Christopher Chia can dramatically improve your waist contour using Cynosure’s FDA-approved Smartlipo Triplex workstation. Our liposuction procedures offer exciting aesthetic results, and you benefit from improved appearance and self esteem.

Manhattan Waist Liposuction using Smartlipo Triplex

Smartlipo Triplex – an advanced laser assisted lipolysis workstation utilizes three separate laser wavelengths (1440, 1064 and 1320 nm), which enable surgeons to sculpt a more defined waist and thereby provide improved results. To give a balanced overall result, the hips and abdomen can be treated at the same time.

Here are some of the features that distinguish Smartlipo Triplex:

  • Precise and uniform energy delivery
  • Liquefies superficial and deep fat quickly
  • Coagulates tissues and tightens skin
  • Intelligent delivery systems that increase safety – SmartSense™ with ThermaGuide™

The procedure is carried out safely and effectively by our plastic surgeons who have many years of experience and skill to their credit. They have always sought to provide state-of-the-art treatment to their patients.

NYC Waist Liposuction – Benefits


Minimal pain and discomfort


Minimally invasive procedure


Local anesthesia


Uniform contouring and results


Minimal scarring


Performed as an outpatient procedure at our AAAASF-accredited surgical facility

Park Avenue Smart Lipo™ is Cynosure’s Smartlipo training center in Manhattan, and our plastic surgeons have successfully performed many laser liposuction procedures in New York City. Moreover, they train other physicians to perform Smartlipo procedures.

Call 1888-8-NYCSMARTLIPO or e-mail us at to schedule your consultation for laser liposuction in New York City.



Can waist liposuction help remove extra skin?

While waist liposuction primarily targets excess fat in the waist area to enhance contours, it may provide some mild to moderate skin tightening. However, for significant extra skin removal, combining liposuction with a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) may be recommended.

Who is a good candidate for the procedure?

Ideal candidates for the procedure are individuals who have localized fat deposits in the waist area that are resistant to diet and exercise. They should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure.

What results can I expect?

The procedure provides a slimmer and more contoured waistline, enhancing overall body proportions and boosting self-confidence. Results are typically long-lasting, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle.

What is the recovery process like?

Patients can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area following the procedure. It’s essential to follow post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure a smooth recovery. Most patients can resume light activities within a few days and return to normal activities within a few weeks.

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